Friday, December 21, 2012

Special Thanks to Kat...

... you know who you are.

I received your email and appreciate it greatly! Check for my reply.



Sunday, December 16, 2012

Calling for help: Stingers Zamboni

Hello readers...

Some time ago, somebody who reads this blog reached out to me. They had a black-and-white photo of the Stingers' old Zamboni with the Kahn's Wiener graphics.

Now I can't find that picture and I need it for a special project. If anyone reading this has a photo of the old Wiener Wagon, please please please email it to me.

Meanwhile, I am working on a new post that should prove interesting. Last Wednesday's game was a Murphy's Law game. Everything went wrong that possibly could have. If you were there you saw that I had to leave the ice mid-cut and come back to finish. I'll give the gory details of that.

Meanwhile, I really need that picture.......
