Sunday, July 16, 2006

You Can’t Blame The Consumer

Enough of a dead horse already, I know. I need to be more positive and get off the negativity myself. But I just can’t help myself. It’s my own blog and I’ll do what I want. I know I’m either preaching to the choir or making doubters just shake their know-it-all heads at me but I just can’t resist. I’ve already established why I believe the Railraiders failed at their season ticket campaign.


I popped in to the old “forum that shall remain nameless” one day last week. That was my first mistake. Lo and behold, the most recent post was yet another jab laying the blame at the feet of Cyclones fans for the Railraiders failed season ticket campaign.

This is such bullcrap it makes me want to heave. It’s just plain wrong for two reasons: (1) It is a mere opinion that more Cyclones supporters could/should have committed to season tickets; and (2) SO WHAT? Even if they could have, they did not and the RR’s should not have counted on them.

The argument goes something like this…

A) Railraiders get about 1650 committed full-season ticket equivalent commitments, about 350 short of the needed 2000

B) A large percentage of the commitments were termed “new business” (although that has not been fully defined – have they never held season tickets anywhere? Have they never held season tickets in Cincinnati? Have they never held season tickets for a Robinson endeavor? What is it?)

C) There is a belief that more Cyclones fans could have and should have bought season tickets

D) If only 175 Cyclones fans had committed to two tickets each, the goal would have been met and the Railraiders would have existed.

E) Peace and Harmony would befall the City of Seven Hills, Cincinnati.


First, we don’t know and we can never know exactly how many people actually did hold out on buying season tickets for the Railraiders purely because they love the Cyclones and hate the Robinsons/Gardens/etc. You just can’t put a number on it. I doubt it was 175 who also were capable of buying two full season tickets or a higher number wanting partial seasons. That is my opinion. I doubt it is a fact. Whenever they want to bash CincySports, they want us to believe there are only a dozen or so fans that even exist (count the number of users actually posting on “the forum which shall remain nameless”). But then when they want to argue about the RR’s, suddenly there are legions of fans who should have bought Railraiders tickets.

Second, let’s just assume for a moment that the number of Cyclones holdouts would have been enough for make the Railraiders quota. So what? It is their money, their choice, their time, and investment. Some people want to be respected for their preference of AHL over ECHL to exclusion of buying Cyclones season tickets – but they find it offensive that Cyclones fans may have elected not to commit to the Railraiders. Double standard? I believe so.

If, and it’s still a huge IF, this is true, then the seller (Railraiders) should have recognized this and not expected these people and they should not have marketed to these people. If they are indeed a hopeless, lost cause, then they made an error in calculation to depend upon them.

If I have a business selling widgets and nobody buys them, can I blame the consumer? Hell now. I failed to convince them that they needed to own my widget, or my widget isn’t so wonderful after all. I can’t blame the buyer. I either misinterpreted the market or mis-marketed my product. That’s it. That’s all.

It is absolutely insulting to regurgitate a bunch of alleged ‘facts’ and then come to the nonsensical conclusion that Cyclones fans are the reason for the Railraiders’ failure to reach their goal. Why not blame the Irish for not buying more tickets? Why not gays? Or dentists?

And people wonder why there is a division within Cincinnati hockey fans. There is a clinical definition for it: Insanity.

Let us explore the dictionary.

Pronunciation: 'fakt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
- A piece of information presented as having objective reality

Pronunciation: &-'pin-y&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin opinion-, opinio, from opinari
- A view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Pronunciation: in-'sa-n&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
- Extreme folly or unreasonableness. Something utterly foolish or unreasonable

This blog is my sole opinion. It may be based on reason and fact; or it may be purely my emotional preference but it is mine alone. I only claim to be perfect most of the time. You are entitled to disagree, and I invite you to do so - somewhere else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right, Mr. Insider!

If no one was showing up to the Cyclones games, as formerly stated on your source website, it would not matter how many packages were purchased, the number would still be zero (yes, mathematics and accounting are just 2 of my many talents)!

Several nay-sayers have made comments and expressed opinions stating the Gardens' genuine lack of foresight and planning, only to be harrassed by fellow posters and management. Whom has "the last laugh"?

It could be worse! They could have listened to common sense, made their goal and had hockey this fall. The downside is they would also be gloating, high-fiving, slapping each other on the backs and rumps, glorifying how great they are and be even more snobbish to those that would have saved their bacon.

Perhaps another lengthy drought, like the one from the Swords to the Cyclones I, will finally bring some prospective to the legions at the old barn?

Meanwhile, viva le Canadiens!

4:40 PM  

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